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2023-03-02 14:20:15 2166

摘要:XX汽车有限公司员工薪酬管理办法Management Measures for Employee Remuneration of XX Motor Co., Ltd.第一章 总则Chapter I General Principles第一条...


Management Measures for Employee Remuneration of XX Motor Co., Ltd.

第一章 总则

Chapter I General Principles

第一条 根据XX汽车有限公司(以下简称公司)发展战略和人力资源管理策略,为充分发挥薪酬制度吸引、保留和激励人才的作用,进一步规范公司薪酬管理,特制订本办法。

Article I According to the development strategy and HR management tactics of XX Motor Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as “company”), in order to make full use of the functions of attracting, retaining and motivating talented people of the salary system and further standardize salary management of the company, the management measure is hereby formulated.

第二条 薪酬分配原则

Article II Principle of Salary Distribution

(一) 为岗位付薪。薪随岗位变,体现岗位价值差异。

(I)Pay for post. Salaries are changed along with posts, showing value differences of posts.


(II)Pay for performance. Salaries are changed along with performances, reinforcing performance orientation.

(三) 为能力付薪。薪随能力变,鼓励员工提升能力。

(III)Pay for ability. Salaries are changed along with abilities, encouraging employees to improve abilities.

(四) 制度公开、过程公正、结果公平。

(IV)Public system, justifiable process and fair result.

第三条 适用范围

Article III Application Scope


The management measure is applicable to all employees of XX Motor Co., Ltd. and its branches, including official employees, outsourcing employees and employees of CBU business units.

第二章 薪酬结构

Chapter II Salary Structures

第四条 薪酬结构

Article IV Salary Structures

第五条 薪酬项目释义

Article V Salary Item Definition

(一) 固定工资。员工在正常出勤并提供正常劳动情况下的保障性工资,其中经理及以上级别根据职位等级享受职务津贴。

(I)Fixed salary. A kind of protection salary paid on the precondition that employees are in normal attendance and provide normal labor, among which manager level and higher posts will enjoy duty allowance according to position grades.

(二) 津贴。包括出差补贴、交通补贴、加班补贴、异地工作补贴、购车津贴、通讯补贴、住房补贴、高温补贴、取暖费、独生子女费及节日慰问金。根据员工不同时期,不同情况酌情发放。具体细则见各项津贴具体管理办法。

(II)Allowance. It includes business trip allowance, traffic allowance, overtime allowance, off-site work allowance, car purchasing allowance, communication allowance, housing allowance, high temperature allowance, heating fee, one-child fee and holiday solatium. These allowances are discretionary according to different periods and circumstances of employees. For specific details, please refer to detailed management method of each allowance.


(III)Bonus. It includes annual performance bonus and special purpose bonus. Annual performance bonus will be calculated according to the performance completion conditions of the company and employees; special purpose bonus is a kind of reward to employees who have outstanding contributions in specific project or are with special talents.


(IV)National statutory benefits. It includes basic old-age, insurance, medical insurance, work injury insurance, unemployment insurance, maternity insurance and housing fund required by nation and local governments.


(V) Supplement welfare. In order to provide more life guarantees to employees, the company will provide a series of commercial insurances, including supplementary medical insurance, travel insurance, personal accident insurance and family property insurance.

第三章 薪酬核算及支付

Chapter III Salary Calculation and Payment

第六条 月度固定工资

Article VI Monthly Fixed Salary


For the circumstance of payment days not reaching a whole month, the company will convert salaries according to actual working days of employees.




S(Actual fixed salary monthly) = Monthly fixed salary – Attendance deduction

Attendance deduction = S(Daily fixed salary) x Absence days of salary deduction

S(Daily fixed salary) = Monthly fixed salary ÷21.75 days

第七条 年终绩效奖金。年终绩效奖金根据公司及员工个人当年绩效指标完成情况进行计算。入职不满一年员工绩效奖金根据实际入职时间进行折算。

Article VII Annual performance bonus. Annual performance bonus will be calculated according to performance target completion conditions of the company and employees.

第八条 津贴

Article VIII Allowance

(一) 加班津贴:临时性、紧急性工作任务导致的加班加点可被定义为加班。助理经理及以下职位可申请支付加班工资,员工应在加班前提前得到直线经理批准,并在完成加班后及时在系统中完成加班申请,经部门主管领导批准并报人事主管部门核实后支付加班工资。根据国家规定,员工每月加班小时数不得超过36小时。因员工个人原因在正常工作时间内没有完成工作任务需要加班的,不支付加班工资。工作日出差或出差交通时间,不计入加班时间。

(I)Overtime allowance. Work extra hours due to temporary and urgent work mission can be defined as overtime. Assistant managers and lower posts can apply for overtime salary. Employees should obtain approval of line manager in advance before overtime, and complete overtime application in the system in time after overtime. Overtime salary will be paid after being approved by department supervisor and submitted to HR department for verification. According to national provisions, monthly overtime hours of employees cannot exceed 36 hours. If overtime is required for work tasks are not completed in normal working time due to personal reasons, then overtime salary will not be paid. Business trip in working day or traffic time in business trip will not be included in overtime.


(II)Calculation standards are as below:


1. Overtime in working day will be calculated and paid according to 150% of the “normal salary standard”;


2. Overtime in rest day will be arranged time off in priority, if compensatory time off cannot be arranged indeed due to work demands, then the overtime will be calculated and paid according to 200% of the “normal salary standard”;


3. Overtime in statutory holiday will be calculated and paid according to 300% of the “normal salary standard”. “Normal salary standard” is usually calculated according to S(daily basic salary).


(III) Various allowances: Subject to specific implementation details of each allowance. Holiday solatium will be implemented according to the standards as below:


Holiday solatium will be implemented according to the standards as below:

项 目



















Payment standard(yuan/person)

Payment object

Payment time

Spring festival solatium


Employees in the post when making the payment

Pay together with the salary approaching the festival

Mid-autumn festival solatium


Dragon boat festival solatium


International working women"s day solatium


Female employees in the post when making the payment

Birthday solatium


Employees with birthdays monthly

第九条 福利。按照国家、地方政府规定的社保缴纳基数和比例为员工缴纳各种社会保险,住房公积金按个人12%,公司12%的比例缴纳;按照公司规定提供其它补充福利。具体内容参见公司相关文件。

Article IX Welfare. Pay various social welfares according to the social security payment base and proportion prescribed by nation and local governments, individual will pay 12% of salary base for housing fund and the company will pay another 12% for the individual; provide other welfares according to provisions of the company. For detailed contents, please refer to related documents of the company.

第十条 假期薪酬支付

Article X Holiday Salary Payment

(一) 员工在按国家规定享受婚假、晚婚假、探亲假、丧假、哺乳假时,在批准的假期时间内,支付全额固定工资、津贴。

(I)When employees enjoy marriage leave, late marriage leave, travel on home leave, funeral leave and breastfeeding leave according to national regulations, in the approved vacation time, fixed salary and allowances will be fully paid.


(II)When employees enjoy paid annual vacation, summer vacation and full paid sick leave according to company regulations, fixed salary and allowances will be fully paid.


(III)The treatment of employees during work injury and maternity leave will be implemented according to related provisions of work injury and maternity insurance.


(IV)If employees stop working due to sickness or non-work-related injuries, in legal medical treatment period, they will be paid according to long-term sick leave salary standard and the payment cannot be lower than 80% of local minimum salary standard.

(五)事假:按缺勤天数从月度固定工资中扣除,扣除额= S日基本×缺勤天数。

(V) Private affair leave: The monthly fixed salary will be deducted according to absence days. Deduction amount = S(daily basic salary) x absence days.


(VI)Except the absences in items (1) ~ (4) mentioned above, the salary of the other absences will be handled as private affair leave.

第十一条 其他情况

Article XI Other cases


When an employee terminates the labor contract with the company, fixed salary will be calculated according to daily basic salary and actual working days of that month.

第十二条 工资支付周期

Article XII Salary payment cycle

















Payment cycle

Payment item

Payment time

Monthly payment

Monthly fixed salary and allowance


Semi-annual payment

Semi-annual special purpose bonus

September / April

Annual payment

Annual performance salary


Annual special purpose bonus

Irregular payment

Holiday solatium


第十三条 工资支付形式。工资的计算期限从每月1日至每月末日为1个月,在次月6日以银行转账的形式支付,遇法定节假日顺延支付。

Article XIII Salary payment form. The calculation period of salary is from the 1st day of each month to the last day of each month. The salary will be paid in the form of bank transfer on 6th day of next month, and the payment will be deferred if statutory holiday is encountered.

第四章 薪资确定及调整规则

Chapter IV Salary Determination and Adjustment Rules


Article XIV Annual salary adjustment. In order to maintain a salary level with market competitiveness and internal fairness, the company will carry out annual salary adjustment in April of every year. Annual salary adjustment proportion will be established according to operation conditions of the company, and annual salary adjustment will be carried out according to the salary payment principles of the company and salary levels of employees in the market. The employees who have not achieved the performance target of last year (assessment results are lower than expected) or entered the company after October 1st will not join in the salary adjustment of the year.

第十五条 岗位变动的员工。根据员工岗位及职位等级变化重新确定年固定工资。年终绩效工资分段计算。

Article XV Position change of employees. Redefine annual fixed salary of employees according to changes of posts and positions. Annual performance salaries are calculated by sections.

第五章 日常管理

Chapter V Daily Management

第十六条 职责分工。人力资源部负责审定公司薪酬政策。研究制订公司薪酬制度、管理人工成本总量、指导培训薪酬制度、分析薪酬信息等工作。并根据公司薪酬制度制订薪酬管理实施细则,负责薪酬信息的日常动态管理,负责薪酬核算;处理员工薪酬事务;上报薪酬报表及调查分析工作。

Article XVI Division of responsibilities. HR department is responsible for reviewing and approving of company salary policies, researching and establishing of company salary system, management of total labor cost, guidance and training of salary system and analysis of salary information etc. HR department is also responsible for establishing implementation details of salary management method according to salary system of the company, daily dynamic management of salary information, salary calculation, handling salary affairs of employees, submitting salary reports and carrying out investigation and analysis work.

第十七条 员工薪酬信息沟通。薪酬制度对员工保持公开透明,但个人薪酬信息属于公司最高机密,员工在任何时间、任何场合均禁止与他人讨论工资相关信息。违反规定者,按公司相关规定处罚。

Article XVII Employee salary information communication. Salary system for employees will maintain open and transparent, but personal salary information belongs to top secrets of the company, employees are not allowed to discuss salary related information at any time and any place. Anyone who breaches the management method will be punished according to related regulations of the company.

第六章 附则

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

第十八条 未尽事宜。对于本办法中未作明确规定的事项,以公司有关实施细则或实施办法为准;若本办法中的规定与相关法律法规抵触,按照相关法律法规执行。

Article XVIII Matters not covered. For any matter that is not prescribed clearly in this management method, related implementation details or methods of the company shall prevail; if any provision in this management method is in conflict with related laws and regulations, it shall be implemented according to related laws and regulations.

第十九条 本办法由人力资源及行政部负责解释。

Article XIX The management method shall be explained by HR and administration department.

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